Mothers Alliance Network-BusiMoms is partnering Food For All Africa to provide hands-on apprenticeship based vocational training and job recommendation for 72 low income and single mothers whose

Day 5 of the FFAA School of Vocational Apprenticeship focuses on Entrepreneurship and Technology. Our facilitator is taking participants through Starting their own business.

84 exceptional low income youth and single mothers from the Anglo-Keta districts of the Volta region yesterday graduated from a 5 days hands-on apprenticeship based vocational training

Day 1 of MBRGI-FBRN “Warm Winter initiative” apprenticeship based vocational training in tailoring and beadsmaking for low income mother’s in East Gonja Municipal,Savannah region of Ghana. Designed

It’s been four days of hands-on apprenticeship based vocational training in tailoring for over 50 mothers from seven communities across the East Gonja district of the Savannah

After a rigorous one week apprenticeship based vocational training in sewing and beads making, 52 low income and vulnerable women from communities across the East Gonja district