Creating economic freedom for Entrepreneurial Moms
BUSIMOMS empowers low-income single and self-employed mothers with knowledge, skills, financial assets and marketplace to develop and achieve economic self-sufficiency


Mothers Without Limitations!
BusiMoms developed by Mothers Alliance Network, is a digital platform and community shop that provides a marketplace for unemployed or self-employed mothers to sell their products and services to consumers. Our aim is to provide an exclusive platform providing patronage for businesses owned by teenage and middle-aged mothers
Our Approach


Provide market-focused entrepreneurial training for mothers


Provide an online and physical marketplace to sell the products and services of mothers


Provide micro-loans with very low interest for businesses of mothers

As a teenage lady with passion for IT software programming, my ambition was to become one of Africa’s leading women using IT to solve social problems. My ambition was put into a state of depression after my marriage at 25years old, when I had to choose between upbringing of my children and career ambition.
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A situation called “Child or Motherhood Penalty”

Motherhood penalty refers to the adverse impact on earnings of women who give birth to and bring up children. Such children will contribute to the economy of tomorrow. So, while children benefit under the care and supervision of a full-time stay at home mother, the spouse benefits because he’s able to pursue a career unencumbered by the need to devote time raising children. The father enjoys the benefits of a well-kept home and the society benefits because its future is secure, but the women making all this possible lose out. Globally 40% of women quit their jobs post maternity to become full-time mothers
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9 million Ghanaian women are faced with the challenge of sacrificing their job for the care of their children and over 1 million of which stay or work from home for the rest of their lives, in order to provide care for their children, If not tackled over 10 million Ghanaian women would be losing out of been financially independent and Ghana would lose out on attaining the UN SDG’s 5,8 and 10 by 2030.

Mothers Alliance Network - BUSIMOMS

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.

- Cardinal Mermillod

9 million Ghanaian women are faced with the challenge of sacrificing their job for the care of their children and over 1 million of which stay or work from home for the rest of their lives, in order to provide care for their children, If not tackled over 10 million Ghanaian women would be losing out of been financially independent and Ghana would lose out on attaining the UN SDG’s 5,8 and 10 by 2030.
Locate Us
1 Nii Adjei Adjetey Street
Teshie - Nungua
Accra, Ghana

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+233 241 977 994

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